Sunday, March 23, 2014

we out

Well, it's been a loooong week. So I moved?yep, true story. But yeah, after a quick six weeks in Covida I am moving on. The picture is of the Covida crew. Elder Chisholm, me, hna J, and Elder Palomo. Elder Palomo is seriously theee BEST. I was so sad to leave our ward. he's going to die this cambio and I am just so gratefulI I got the chance to serve in the same ward as him. Dad you would love him!! He is from Mexico, he's super funny and he is a great missionary. Hna J and I really lucked out to be part of the Covida crew with him.

Right so I am sure you are all dying to know who my new compi is......... Well I am still with hna jimĂ©nez- #winninglikeaboss. I mean i know right???? obviously there is hope in zion! We are so pumped! Cambios was such a party. Ha when our names were called out we were freaking out! Like people blushed for us.... hahah we were just sooo happy.

And then began the longest week in my whole Life. Seriously though I feel like I have been here FOREVER (think sandlot). There have never been sisters here! #pioneers! so we basically feel like celebrities, which is the BEST.But really the members are so excited to have sister missionaries! and our area is huge! So we walk so so so so so so so much! More than I have thus far in my mission. and it is WAY hotter here. We are a little bit farther away from the city so its hotter and more deserty. All the roads are dirt. But they are starting to pave some of them which is fun. And we literally have zero investigators. So we spent a lot of time knocking doors. But our area has SO much potential! We are soo pumped to be here! Even though I have never been so tired in my whole life. and that isn't an exaggeration, ha one time this week we were kneeling in our apartment praying about where we should go and a half hour later we both woke up and my legs hurt soooo bad because of lack of blood circulation. ha needless to say neither one of us had any dreams so we just ended up picking a corner of the map and going with it. not our most fruitful day. but our first three days we didn't even have a map so we are making progress.

 So yeah its been a roller coaster of a week, but its def been entertaining. like how we have no carpeta de area. um thanks elders. or how the font is in a closet??? or how we get chased by dogs all the time. or how we don't even know where one of the limits of our area is? or how turns out half our area isn't on the map because they don't put cerros on maps. gee thanks for nothing. so hey to sum it all up we are living a dream. our apartment is HUGE! two bedrooms and a hallway! I know a hallway! We may have shed a tear because there are also no coachroaches. #doublewin. besides that our apartment is also super super creepy and really dirty. and we can't open our windows becuase the one time I did the whistles and catcalls were OUTRAGEOUS. and they were only open for twenty seconds. chambons. basically you could say we're living the dream.
and that´s what you missed on the district.


(i´m channleing my inner Matthew with that nick name, you like??)

the other pic is me and hna j with what we thought would be our last coca cola juntas. also have i told you? me and dr. pepper broke up. I am now a coke fan. I literally drink it every day. except most sundays. i know i am a traitor. but the dr. pepper addict in me is long gone. just give me that coca cola and i'll be good to go.



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