Sunday, September 7, 2014

Work...September 1, 2014

So this week has flown by. My new companion is hna Alonso. and she is the BEST! but for reals. working with her this past week has been the best week of my whole mission. We had a great time and we saw some real progress in our investigators as well as a lot of moments where things just happened. We are just losing ourselves in the work and then at night party it up. hahah kinda sorta.
So hna Alonso is also from Honduras and she is amazing. really. but I only have ten minutes left so I will save my love story about her until next week and tell you about me week. We had a super super intense lesson with Oscar in which he told us he wanted to wait until DECEMBER to get baptized. umm no, I don't think so. So we went into beast mode and the lesson was so intense, basically we just kept saying no no no you have to get baptized the 6th and I basically thought he was going to kick us off. and then the member we were with just told him don't lose your time, you'll be condemned and then the spirit was there and we invited him again and he just told us he couldn't say no. It was so intense, and powerful, and insanely cool. So now he is scared to get baptized on any other day hahah

Also we had a mission conference (with the half of the mission that is in Lima) and we went to lima norte to hear from Obispo Davies (of the presiding bishopric) that was so cool. Basically we got to hear the testimony of presidente Uceda. who is the president of our area. he is from Perú and we were in the church where he got baptized (sidenote it also happens to be the only church I have ever SEEN that isn't gated..... ha I didn't quite know what to think) (other sidenote we also were a long way away from our mission #fieldtrip #pitucaso) Basically I have never felt the spirit so strongly as I did when he bore his testimony and challenged us to be like HIS missionaries. supposedly we were going to have this conference with Elder Christofferson or Anderson but being there with President Uceda was one of the most spritual moments of my life where he taught us how as a missionary we need to give our investigators a fair chance to gain their own testimony. It was incredible listening to him. I didn't want it to end. And that is short was my week! i loved it, i love hna alonso, and i love being a special witness to my savior Jesus Christ. I know that he lives and I know that he works through his living profets. and I am grateful that every single day I have the great blessing of testifing of his great work.

les quiero!

hna degn



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