Friday, January 2, 2015

November 10, 2014--Serpost!

hola familia bonita! 

Mostly that just applies to pretty abby! wow! you are all just getting sooo old! bella and josh. i can't believe here we are one year later and you have another birthday! that's just not fair! 

The good news is that serpost finally opened this week!!! YEAH! sooo i will be mailing something home next week for you too! and that means that you can try sending me something if you want and we'll hope for the best that it gets here!!! 

Anyways this week was super super fast. we had interviews, and a multi-zona, and the week was over. It was full of fun adventures, good peruivan food, and a lot of new goals set. 

I sure love being with hna gutierrez. she is sooo awesome! we are having such a good time together and yesterday we got quite a few of our investigators to church which is always a bit of a relief. 

We also had a neat experience where we went back to an old investgator and she told us that she had been praying that we would visit her again. So we are going to help her and her son get baptized, hopefully the 29th. 

anyways i learned sooo much this about fasting and living the commandments. I guess i really just keep learning about how much i don't know. But wow, i have been filled with a new fire to be able to learn all that i can and to be able to come a truly great teacher. which really just means working with the holy ghost so that other's hearts can be touched. 

on a funnier note our toilet died, we got a new one and now we don't have a toilet seat. i'm dying. literally. also yesterday we talked to a guy who is 34, single, without children. I was shocked. and he was home by himself watching Titanic. what kind of peruvian is he I don't know but he doesn't work sundays so it's a sign. we are going to baptize him. And he is going to take us out to eat chicken.  we'll see how that goes-

one more funny thing. This week we taught this lady Mxxx, who is sooo wierd! we had the wierdest experience in her house. i kinda felt like harry and hermione when they go back to godric's hollow and talk to batty but she's really the snake. And we both felt a little unsafe and called our district leader, saying just call us back in an our and make sure we are okay. then we teach her for maybe 5 minutes and she tells us she has to go. um okay? but she wants us to go back??? anyways so false alarm on the scary note so now we are more motivated to always go with members hahaha. this week was just super interesting. and i am sorry this email makes no sense. it's the story of my week. 

hahah love you all!!! 

Happy birthday josh and bella!!! 

also last night we realized we hadn't taken any pictures this week #fail. so that's us 

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