Friday, January 2, 2015

November 3, 2014--Baptism!!

So this week Jxxx got baptized! IT was awesome. She was really such a huge answer to our prayers and such a miracle. and this week we really saw a huge change in her dad too. We worked really hard and really set a goal to gain the trust of Jxxx parents. She's 18 so she doesn´t need permission but we really want to be able to baptize her parents too, only jilari was so prepared we didn't want to wait. So we talked to her parents this week about the decision jxxx had taken to be baptized and they both were really supportive. Her dad said that he would always support us but told us however am catholic and I don't want to go or listen but you are welcome to teach my daughter. Anyways so of course we invited her whole family to her baptism and we've been working really hard her to change some of the culture so that the baptismal services are more spiritual. And the spirit was so strong in her baptism. It was awesome. So afterward we were talking with her parents about it and i introduced them to the Bishop and he invited them to listen to us and to always come to church with Jxxx. And her dad just had a complete change of heart. IT was so special. He told us that he had never felt anything like what he had felt that night and that he was going to be there the next morning at nine and that he was always going to come and always going to support jxxx. Then when he gave her a hug after he was all teary-eyed and it was just so neat to see how the lord really touched their hearts and and open they are now to listen to us. They both came to church sunday, and loved it- the only catch is that they aren't married so looks like i'm gonna learn how to get people married. and a lotta patience. but it's all good. anyways so yesterday was pretty much Rad, these people from the area came and filmed us. It was super nervewracking. they did interviews and filmed us having a mock consejo de barrio and correlacion because they are going to do a training for the area based on our ward and how we are working here. Talk about pressure. But this ward really is amazing. The members are so strong and the work is incredible here. I feel so grateful that my heavenly father trusted me enough to send me to Miramar.

 Les quiero!
 Hermana Degn

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